Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let's Get Angry

Women might just have something to contribute to civilization other than their vaginas.

-Christopher Buckley, Florence of Arabia

When I saw this bold quote, I thought to myself Wow. That really has been a common viewpoint of women in general. I am not saying that EVERYONE thinks this way, but it is a common idea that women really are seen as their role of "child-bearer" and nothing else.  Don't get me wrong I believe this is one of the greatest roles of women. Strong, beautiful, capable-all of these qualities we as women posses and we are the only ones that can bring life into this world. That is powerful in itself...we give birth to presidents, scientists, heroes, teachers, mothers, fathers, brother, sisters, peacemakers, world changers. However, we must not forget that we can BE those things as well, not just give birth to them. The quote is from novelist Christopher Buckley whom wrote Florence of Arabia. Although this is not a book review, I will tell you that this book is a satire about the unfair treatment of women in the middle east (VERY good read). I find it compelling that this thought was from a man. It really gives me hope, as it should you. I just don't want the men to see this point and us as women remain blind and sedated to our true potentials as being answers.

Over the next couple weeks, you will see a theme emerging that has to do with Anger. Not scary anger or petty anger, but a healthy anger that stirs passion. We believe that when an emotion like anger is invoked things shift inside of us and we are given a strength and zeal to change things. Also, we here at HVI want to express that is is OK to get angry, you just have to get angry about the right things. To be honest, Her Voice was created when I became angry. I became angry about hunger. I became angry about hate towards women. I became angry about lack and poverty. I became angry at injustice. The Bible says:

      "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless,
and see that they get justice. (Proverbs 31:8-9, NLT)

Friends. This is what burns inside me. This is what I live for. No matter what religion, race, culture or background, I am tired of watching my sisters suffer. We MUST love these women. We must begin to get angry about injustice. Sometimes we get so used to living in our own perfect world that we forget the problems that are out there. These are problems that can have answers. YOU are the answer. Over the next couple weeks HVI will be posting many different things that we hope will invoke a healthy anger in you. We hope that you will find strength and passion and a fire inside of you that awakens you from slumber.

This picture is from the protests in Egypt that started in January. You may have seen this picture floating around the net due to twitter and facebook but I had to share it here. If someone could capture true love in a photograph this is it. When I showed a friend this it brought tears to her eyes. This is a picture of Egyptian Christians protecting Egyptian Muslims so that they may pray.
All I can say is WOW.
This is how our hearts must beat. The Egyptian people were angry. Angry about a dictator that had ruined their country and left a people hurting, broken and hungry. They may believe different but these Christians knew true GOD love. They protected their brother and sisters-their fellow countrymen. In a time of great uprising they came together and were angry about one thing...injustice. It is time we put our differences aside and get angry and then fix the problem with love.

I am tired of being sedated. I am ready to rise up and change things. No more hate, no more injustice. WE CAN DO THIS. I know we can. It does not matter who the woman is. If she needs help we will get it for her. Anger can help us friend. We can use it to our advantage and raise awareness. So today I urge you. Find a problem and get angry about it then use that fire to set it ablaze, burning the problem to ash and leave an answer in its place. We are meant to be world changers. We are meant to use our VOICE to SPEAK UP for those who cannot speak for themselves. We are here to see that our sisters get JUSTICE.

You are strong. You are fierce. Your voice matters.

Keep checking back for more posts! And please, tell your Friends about Her Voice Is...Their story could change someones world. And don't forget your story can too.

-Bethany Morton-Gannaway 


  1. Wow! Great write on anger and the correct way to use it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I really appreciate this writing about the constructive use of anger for quality social change. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I am an artist, and am trying to get together a think tank (an actual live one!) based on some of the issues mentioned here. I would be interested in speaking with you.
