Ask Away! is an amazing new addition to Her Voice Is. Bernadette is an amazing woman who truly has been an inspiration and constant encourager for all of us at Her Voice. She has been married for 30 years and has one beautiful daughter and a fabulous son-in-law. Not only that but she has become a mother figure to many others and has touched many lives with her support and encouraging words and advice. Bernadette is a mighty and fierce woman who is a world changer. She is huge dreamer and believes that God is a BIG wonderful God who can do anything. She is a mentor, confidant, and friend.

We wanted to offer this section at Her Voice Is because sometimes we have questions and don't have a woman we can go to. Sometimes you may want someone that you don't know personally to answer your questions because it is easier to talk that way. No names will be disclosed in this section and will remain anonymous in the Ask Away! posts. What is so cool is that you may be asking a question that someone doesn't have the courage to ask themselves. So, our goal with Ask Away! is to supply answers to your questions and hopefully shed light on these things and not only answer you but other women that can learn from your questions. Bernadette will be happy to try and answer anything you want to ask. She is a Godly woman with wonderful insight and a Huge voice that we cherish deeply here at Her Voice Is.  

If you would like to ask a question email

and in the subject line write Ask Away!

She will be answering about 5-7 questions per Ask Away! post. These posts will be feature twice a month! So go ahead, ask away!