My name is Bethany Morton-Gannaway. I have a BA in English and currently own a business with my way cool mom and I write books. I say this because I have an obsession for books-any kind of book at all. I love reading because of how much you can learn and experience from the written word. One day I ordered a book called Half the Sky written by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. It literally changed my life. In one book I gained a fiery passion to rise up, raise my voice and do something to fight against the injustices of this world against women. I learned that women are not problems, they are answers. Her Voice Is was a direct result from reading this book. I encourage ALL visitors of this blog to read it. You literally will NEVER be the same. I am so thankful for this book and for the vital information/stories that fueled my passion to make a difference.