Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"30 Years" of Hope

a big hello to everyone!

Normally, I would not post my personal life on Her Voice, but today I must share. Yesterday-February 21st- My parents celebrated their 30th anniversary! This is a milestone and I wanted to honor them on their special day. The reason I wanted to share with Her Voice Is, is because I believe it is important, if not vital, to share stories like my parents that marriage can work! The percentage of divorce in present day America can sometimes cause us to feel scared or even apprehensive about marriage. I also think it was important to share because it offers not only hope to those who have never been married but also to those who perhaps gone through a divorce. Today, I am here to offer hope to you and faith in marriage. Marriage can work. It can be good. It can be the best thing in the world.

Both my grandparents have had long marriages. My Mom's parents have been together 59 years. I made everyone laugh the other day because my husband and I will be celebrating 2 years of marriage on May 22. It made me laugh because when you think of 30 years and then 59 years being married to the same person my 2 years didn't seem like much of an accomplishment :O). My Mom and Dad have been through so much together. I have seen them stay committed to one another through good times and the less than perfect times and they always have shown me what true love is. They have shown me that it IS POSSIBLE for a man to respect, honor, love and cherish a woman and it IS POSSIBLE for a woman to do the same for a man and be happy. They have taught me that marriage is work, like many things in life.

My hope is that by sharing my parent's milestone you can feel encouraged and hopeful that true love does exists. That a long marriage is possible when it is the right marriage. That commitment is not something that is lost to our world, but rather it is something we all have inside of us. You have something great inside of you. You have purpose you have a calling. Never forfeit your dreams. Whether you are single, divorced, married for 2 years, 5 years or 60 years NEVER lose hope. Believe in love. Believe in the happily ever after-fairy tale ending. You friend are worth it. You are a treasure. You are valued. You deserve nothing but the best.

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