Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nicholas D. Kristof-Hero

Hello my passionate friends!

I hope your memorial weekend is going amazing. The last post Her Voice Is did something a little different. We highlighted a male music artist who was seriously projecting a very similar voice to our own. It was so exciting because I think we sometimes forget that there are men out there fighting for our cause, which is valuing the voice of women and treating them with fairness and the respect that they deserve. I think we as women need to make sure not to take on a hyper-feminist attitude that scorns the male population. The fact is that men are just as wonderful as women and their voice is just as important if not vital to this cause of raising awareness. What better way to prove the there are GREAT, WONDERFUL men out there that desire women to be a solution and support and encourage a movement of women with purpose and hope, than to show the blog community that these men are out there!

I have definitely seen and read about the horrific situations that some men have placed our fellow sisters in, but I have been EXTREMELY blessed and honored to know and have men, like my husband and father, in my life that have shown their desire to see women be treated like the amazing, caring, beautiful world changers that they are. It is important to hear stories of our sisters, but I think it is healthy and wise to hear about brothers that are fighting for us as well. We are not two enemies. This will only work and be rectified if we come together and fight this side by side. Our enemy is injustice. Plain and simple. We hate what is wrong and we do everything we can to turn hateful, ugly situations into something beautiful and filled with hope. Never forget there is hope.

Which brings me to introduce Nick Kristof, co-author with his wife Cheryl WuDunn of epic book Half the Sky. Below is a short clip of the book and purpose behind his mission. Take a look.

Ever since I read this life changing book, I have been fascinated by Nicholas Kristof and his mission to bring solutions to women's humanitarian issues around the world. I think it is wonderful and necessary to see a man who not only reports on the issues but as you can see in the video below he LIVES and BREATHES and EXPERIENCES what these women are going through. This is so vital to this movement because we see that he is not doing this for fame or power but rather he is becoming a part of these women's lives. I find his work fascinating, captivating and completely PERFECT for the standard of how men should be responding to these issues. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and become aware of what is really out there. He literally takes on their burdens as his own and helps carry the load.

I encourage you to read the book because there is so much I can say about this modern day hero. His stories will keep you at the edge of your seat and if you have not met many men who have dedicated part of themselves to fighting for the honoring of women than I promise your faith in mankind will be restored by hearing his stories.

Follow Nick Kristof on Twitter: @NickKristof
or on the Web

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