Monday, May 30, 2011

Long Pross-A Story


We have a story to share with you. Remember this is a site where people's life stories are valued and cherished. YOUR story is valued and cherished. The power of the story is something that I feel like I learned to appreciate in college. I realized as I was reading what felt like thousands of books written by authors from hundreds of years ago, that their stories were timeless. There is a reason people still read the classics-somehow they relate to these stories. Themes such as faith, love, war, self respect and the search for identity is something that we all want to learn about. So today I bring you the story of fellow sister Long Pross.

Nicholas Kristof is doing the interview. Clocking in at only 5 minutes long, her story changed me more than some 2 hour lecture ever has. I encourage you to listen to Long Poss's story and to try and connect. This is real. It is happening in this big world and we MUST not ignore stories such as this but show our friends and family that we can make a difference. Love is a powerful action. We must enlarge our capacity to love women like Long Pross and our fellow sisters who need out help.

I know at first the video is very sad. The truth is Long Pross had a devastating story-but I want to focus on the end...She had HOPE. In the beginning we see a young woman that is what seems to be broken. But by the end I realize that she gathered all the bravery she could to tell her story just so that it could help someone else. She sacrificed her comfort to help another woman that could be in a position like she was.

I have to tell you when I see her at the end doing her studies I see such a beauty. I see a strong, capable, powerful world changer. When Long Pross did this interview did she know that it would be a top video clip on YouTube and people would be blogging about her calling her a world changer and heroine? I don't think so. I think that you will agree with me that she is all these things and more...

Just like Long Pross-your story matters. Whether you know it or not your story can change the way someone looks about life or themselves. It does not matter what your story is, someone will connect with it. We are more alike than we think. I encourage you to be brave and courageous like Long Pross.I also wanted to highlight her rescuers in this story. They took Long Pross in and have been teaching her how to live and how to make a future. It is organizations like that, that set the precedent of how we should be dealing with horrific situations like this.

I do not know if Long Pross will ever see this blog post, but I have to hope that one day she does. Long Pross if you someday read this I want to thank you. Thank You for sharing your story to a 22 year old woman from California that will forever be changed by your words, your courage, your beauty and your strength. Your capacity to turn something so horribly wrong into hope and vision is both astounding and inspiring. I feel blessed to have come across your interview and you will be a part of my prayers. I look forward to the day you own your business and continue to use your voice to change the world. 

Friends, have a great day today. If you ever feel like sharing your story, please email never know who it might help. Also if you would like to share anything, anything at all, whether it be an interview you saw, or an article that Her Voice Is may be interested in please pass it on! 

Passionate Story-Teller,


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